Monday, March 24, 2008

3D Interactive Video using Flash & ActionScript 3

Now this is what i call a video - a real interactive video. Imagine a video where you can decide which angle and the depth (zoom) you want to see.

I would have expected this functionality in a advanced 3D or a movie software. But achieving this in Flash using ActionScript 3 is really awesome. This was achieved by the folks at Immersive Media, check out their videos - without fail (

This is going to be the next Youtube of videos :)

If you want to know how they do this - here is all the info u need (

Many thank to Aasim for sharing this link with me :)

Flex based search engine

Vizzl - The Visual Search Tool.

A really cool search engine. But only to search within sites like Amazon, ebay and youtube. The power of sorting the search reults is show cased here.

A must use tool if you a online shopping freak.